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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108171

Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty

This woman in her early sixties desired improvement to the appearance of her face, neck, eyelids, and perioral lines. She was a good candidate for many potential treatments. She chose to have an endoscopic browlift, face lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, TFX CO2 facial laser resurfacing, and facial fat injections to the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines. She has been extremely happy with her results and is featured before and three months after surgery.

Before image 1 Case #108171 - Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty
After image 1 Case #108171 - Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty
Before image 2 Case #108171 - Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty
After image 2 Case #108171 - Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty
Before image 3 Case #108171 - Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty
After image 3 Case #108171 - Facelift, Browlift, & Blepharoplasty
61 years
More details
Amount Transferred:
5 cc
Time Post-Op for Photos:
3 months
Purpose (Eyelid Surgery):
Technique (Brow Lift):
Endoscopic forehead lift
Technique (Facelift):
SMAS flap
Type (Eyelid Surgery):

This woman in her early sixties desired improvement to the appearance of her face, neck, eyelids, and perioral lines. She was a good candidate for many potential treatments. She chose to have an endoscopic browlift, face lift, upper and lower blepharoplasty, TFX CO2 facial laser resurfacing, and facial fat injections to the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines. She has been extremely happy with her results and is featured before and three months after surgery.