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They Are Sharing Their Story So Other Moms Can Get the Support They Deserve

Joy and Erica are sisters who experienced significant abdominal separation (diastasis recti) after having kids, and no amount of physical therapy could repair the damage childbirth did to their bodies. They were shocked to learn plastic surgery was the answer and couldn’t believe the positive impact it had on their lives.
It has been life-changing in how we feel about ourselves. It’s what we’ve always wanted, to be healthy and strong again.
There's a reason stomach muscles go down the front of your body, not the side. Physical therapy couldn’t get our muscles back in place.
We had that feeling of “are we vain for doing this?” Sure, it’s nice to look better, but surgery is something we both needed medically.
People don't talk about how hard pregnancy is on the body and the damage it can cause. Mothers should know surgery is an option.
Post Pregnancy Plastic Surgery includes aesthetic procedures that reverse damage caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Joy and Erica each had Tummy Tuck procedures with a focus on diastasis recti repair to restore their abdominal walls.
How Joy and Erica navigated the insurance process and why it’s important to talk to your surgeon about whether your procedure may be covered.
Dr. Suliman is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in San Diego, CA. He’s been a member of The Aesthetic Society since 2020.