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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108151

Facelift & Blepharoplasty

This patient showed many of the signs of normal facial aging, and she wanted to improve the overall appearance of her face. She chose to proceed with a bilateral facelift, upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, and TFX CO2 facial laser resurfacing. She is shown before and approximately 4 months after her surgery. She was very pleased with the improvement and the nice, natural, refreshed appearance.

Before image 1 Case #108151 - Facelift & Blepharoplasty
After image 1 Case #108151 - Facelift & Blepharoplasty
Before image 2 Case #108151 - Facelift & Blepharoplasty
After image 2 Case #108151 - Facelift & Blepharoplasty
Before image 3 Case #108151 - Facelift & Blepharoplasty
After image 3 Case #108151 - Facelift & Blepharoplasty
61 years
More details
Time Post-Op for Photos:
4 months
Purpose (Eyelid Surgery):
Technique (Facelift):
SMAS flap
Type (Eyelid Surgery):

This patient showed many of the signs of normal facial aging, and she wanted to improve the overall appearance of her face. She chose to proceed with a bilateral facelift, upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, and TFX CO2 facial laser resurfacing. She is shown before and approximately 4 months after her surgery. She was very pleased with the improvement and the nice, natural, refreshed appearance.