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Photo Gallery Case

Case #107796


This woman in her late sixties had concerns about the excess skin around her jowls and neck. She decided to proceed with a facelift, TFX laser resurfacing, and fat injections. She looks great and is pictured before and three months afterwards.

Before image 1 Case #107796 - Facelift
After image 1 Case #107796 - Facelift
Before image 2 Case #107796 - Facelift
After image 2 Case #107796 - Facelift
Before image 3 Case #107796 - Facelift
After image 3 Case #107796 - Facelift
69 years
More details
Time Post-Op for Photos:
3 months
Technique (Facelift):
Neck lift
SMAS flap

This woman in her late sixties had concerns about the excess skin around her jowls and neck. She decided to proceed with a facelift, TFX laser resurfacing, and fat injections. She looks great and is pictured before and three months afterwards.