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Photo Gallery Case

Case #107221


This woman in her early sixties was seeking facial rejuvenation. She wanted to address the lines around her mouth, jowls, and the sagging skin of her neck. The two determined she would be a good candidate for a facelift with laser resurfacing. She has healed very well and is very pleased with her results. Pictures were taken before and four months post-op.

Before Case #107221 - Facelift
After Case #107221 - Facelift
Before Case #107221 - Facelift
After Case #107221 - Facelift
Before Case #107221 - Facelift
After Case #107221 - Facelift
Skin Tone:
Light -
More details
Time Post-Op for Photos:
4 months

This woman in her early sixties was seeking facial rejuvenation. She wanted to address the lines around her mouth, jowls, and the sagging skin of her neck. The two determined she would be a good candidate for a facelift with laser resurfacing. She has healed very well and is very pleased with her results. Pictures were taken before and four months post-op.