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Photo Gallery Case

Case #105351

Mommy Makeover with BBL

28 yr old hispanic mother of three wanted restoration of pre-pregnancy breast fullness and abdominal tone with removal of loose abdominal skin. She also wanted volume, projection, and round shape for buttocks, and wanted to accentuate feminine "hourglass" body contour. Procedures included breast augmentation, abdominoplasty ("tummy tuck"), liposuction back, waist, flanks, and thighs with fat transfer to buttocks.

Before image 1 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
After image 1 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
Before image 2 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
After image 2 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
Before image 3 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
After image 3 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
Before image 4 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
After image 4 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
Before image 5 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
After image 5 Case #105351 - Mommy Makeover with BBL
Skin Tone:
Light - Medium -
28 years
175 lbs
More details
64.0 inches
Amount Transferred:
2400 cc
Amount Liposuctioned:
4000 cc
Amount Liposuctioned - Left:
2000 cc
Amount Liposuctioned - Right:
2000 cc
Amount Resected - Left:
580 grams
Amount Resected - Right:
575 grams
Has Had Children:
Implant Brand:
Implant Placement:
Implant Texture:
Implant Volume - Left:
650 cc
Implant Volume - Right:
650 cc
Incision Location:
Time Post-Op for Photos:
4 months
Technique (Butt Lift):
Brazilian Butt Lift using Fat Transfer (BBL)
Technique (Tummy Tuck):
Full abdominoplasty

28 yr old hispanic mother of three wanted restoration of pre-pregnancy breast fullness and abdominal tone with removal of loose abdominal skin. She also wanted volume, projection, and round shape for buttocks, and wanted to accentuate feminine "hourglass" body contour. Procedures included breast augmentation, abdominoplasty ("tummy tuck"), liposuction back, waist, flanks, and thighs with fat transfer to buttocks.