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Photo Gallery Case

Case #111851

Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL

This woman in her late forties was interested in body contouring, specifically targeting her abdomen, flanks and buttocks. She chose to undergo an abdominoplasty with 360 Vaser liposuction with a Brazilian butt lift. Shown before and four months after her surgery.

Before Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
After Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
Before Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
After Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
Before Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
After Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
Before Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
After Case #111851 - Tummy Tuck, Lipo, & BBL
47 years
More details
Amount Liposuctioned:
3250 cc
Implant Volume - Left:
500 cc
Implant Volume - Right:
500 cc
Time Post-Op for Photos:
4 months
Technique (Butt Lift):
Brazilian Butt Lift using Fat Transfer (BBL)
Technique (Liposuction):
Technique (Tummy Tuck):
Full abdominoplasty

This woman in her late forties was interested in body contouring, specifically targeting her abdomen, flanks and buttocks. She chose to undergo an abdominoplasty with 360 Vaser liposuction with a Brazilian butt lift. Shown before and four months after her surgery.