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Photo Gallery Case

Case #107721

Gynecomastia Sugery

This man in his late twenties had concerns about his gynecomastia (male breast tissue) since he was a teenager and thought it would go away with exercise and age. Unfortunately, despite weight loss, his chest remained the same. He proceeded with gynecomastia surgery is featured before and a year afterwards.

Before image 1 Case #107721 - Gynecomastia Sugery
After image 1 Case #107721 - Gynecomastia Sugery
Before image 2 Case #107721 - Gynecomastia Sugery
After image 2 Case #107721 - Gynecomastia Sugery
Before image 3 Case #107721 - Gynecomastia Sugery
After image 3 Case #107721 - Gynecomastia Sugery
29 years
More details
Amount Liposuctioned - Left:
500 cc
Amount Liposuctioned - Right:
400 cc
Breast Consistency:
Time Post-Op for Photos:
14 months
Technique (Gynecomastia):
Glandular excision

This man in his late twenties had concerns about his gynecomastia (male breast tissue) since he was a teenager and thought it would go away with exercise and age. Unfortunately, despite weight loss, his chest remained the same. He proceeded with gynecomastia surgery is featured before and a year afterwards.