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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108281

Breast Reduction

This woman in her mid-forties desired a breast reduction along with some reshaping. This procedure lifts and re-shapes the breasts and also makes them smaller, less heavy and more comfortable. She was looking for something more proportional and comfortable and has been very pleased with her results.

Before image 1 Case #108281 - Breast Reduction
After image 1 Case #108281 - Breast Reduction
Before image 2 Case #108281 - Breast Reduction
After image 2 Case #108281 - Breast Reduction
Before image 3 Case #108281 - Breast Reduction
After image 3 Case #108281 - Breast Reduction
46 years
More details
Amount Resected - Left:
330 grams
Amount Resected - Right:
326 grams
Cup Size - Before:
Cup Size - After:
Incision Type (Breast Lift and Reconstruction):
Time Post-Op for Photos:
3 months

This woman in her mid-forties desired a breast reduction along with some reshaping. This procedure lifts and re-shapes the breasts and also makes them smaller, less heavy and more comfortable. She was looking for something more proportional and comfortable and has been very pleased with her results.