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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108426

Mommy Makeover

The patient is a pleasant 35 year old, working mother of three, displeased with the appearance of her breasts and torso after childbirth. She desires waist line contouring with an abdominoplasty and flank liposuction, as well as a breast lift with plan for later augmentation.

Before image 1 Case #108426 - Mommy Makeover
After image 1 Case #108426 - Mommy Makeover
Before image 2 Case #108426 - Mommy Makeover
After image 2 Case #108426 - Mommy Makeover
Before image 3 Case #108426 - Mommy Makeover
After image 3 Case #108426 - Mommy Makeover
35 years
135 lbs
More details
63.0 inches
Amount Liposuctioned:
750 cc
Amount Resected:
646 grams
Has Had Children:
Incision Type (Breast Lift and Reconstruction):
Time Post-Op for Photos:
2 months
Technique (Liposuction):
Power-assisted (PAL)
Technique (Tummy Tuck):
Full abdominoplasty

The patient is a pleasant 35 year old, working mother of three, displeased with the appearance of her breasts and torso after childbirth. She desires waist line contouring with an abdominoplasty and flank liposuction, as well as a breast lift with plan for later augmentation.