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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108156

Arm Lipo

This patient, in her 40’s, desired improvement of the excess skin and fullness of her upper arms. She had good skin elasticity and was a good candidate for a minimally invasive treatment. She elected to proceed with SmartLipo to her upper arms.

Before image 1 Case #108156 - Arm Lipo
After image 1 Case #108156 - Arm Lipo
Before image 2 Case #108156 - Arm Lipo
After image 2 Case #108156 - Arm Lipo
Before image 3 Case #108156 - Arm Lipo
After image 3 Case #108156 - Arm Lipo
45 years
More details
Amount Liposuctioned:
1700 cc
Time Post-Op for Photos:
3 months
Technique (Liposuction):

This patient, in her 40’s, desired improvement of the excess skin and fullness of her upper arms. She had good skin elasticity and was a good candidate for a minimally invasive treatment. She elected to proceed with SmartLipo to her upper arms.