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Photo Gallery Case

Case #111326

Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo

This is a 45 year old mother of 3 who was wanted her pre-baby body back. I performed an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), rectus diastasis repair and 360 (circumferential) liposuction of her waistline. I removed 2300cc of fat with lpiosuction and 1825 grams of tissue (nearly 4 pounds!) with the tummy tuck.

Before image 1 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
After image 1 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
Before image 2 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
After image 2 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
Before image 3 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
After image 3 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
Before image 4 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
After image 4 Case #111326 - Abdominoplasty and 360 lipo
Skin Tone:
Light -
45 years
193 lbs
More details
67.0 inches
Amount Liposuctioned:
2300 cc
Amount Resected:
1825 grams
Time Post-Op for Photos:
12 months

This is a 45 year old mother of 3 who was wanted her pre-baby body back. I performed an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), rectus diastasis repair and 360 (circumferential) liposuction of her waistline. I removed 2300cc of fat with lpiosuction and 1825 grams of tissue (nearly 4 pounds!) with the tummy tuck.