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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108176

Body Lift

This woman in her mid fifties had lost a significant amount of weight through diet, exercise, and gastric surgery. She was concerned about her abdomen and flanks, as well as the back and buttock areas and was interested in body contouring. She decided on a circumferential body lift (basically a tummy tuck combined with a lower back/buttock lift). Almost 20 pounds was removed during her surgery (which is somewhat of an unusually large amount). She is very happy with her results and wishes to consider liposuction of different areas and to get some further contouring. She is pictured before and three months after her surgery.

Before Case #108176 - Body Lift
After Case #108176 - Body Lift
Before Case #108176 - Body Lift
After Case #108176 - Body Lift
Before Case #108176 - Body Lift
After Case #108176 - Body Lift
Before Case #108176 - Body Lift
After Case #108176 - Body Lift
55 years
More details
Time Post-Op for Photos:
3 months
Technique (Tummy Tuck):

This woman in her mid fifties had lost a significant amount of weight through diet, exercise, and gastric surgery. She was concerned about her abdomen and flanks, as well as the back and buttock areas and was interested in body contouring. She decided on a circumferential body lift (basically a tummy tuck combined with a lower back/buttock lift). Almost 20 pounds was removed during her surgery (which is somewhat of an unusually large amount). She is very happy with her results and wishes to consider liposuction of different areas and to get some further contouring. She is pictured before and three months after her surgery.